Monday, July 12, 2010


Honestly, this is a new found passion. Never though i would do something like teach :) But its such a privilege to be able to pass down knowledge, be the one teaching the future of things that hopefully would be useful to them.

This is one of the things that i just couldn't be bothered if i get paid, i just really enjoy doing it :) Seeing the kids enjoy learning, seeing their enthusiasm and their interest really makes me smile. I feel that i am already being rewarded in ways money can't buy. Such a pleasure to be able to give.

God thank you so much, i do pray you'll continually protect them and guide them and that they will have a hope and a future more wonderful than we can imagine. You are their provider, their lives will display your glory as they continue to trust in you :)

I've so much more to learn in life, i am in good hands :) I pray i'll be able to teach them well, God guide me as i do :) AMEN!

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