Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Who controls me
What controls me.
Who influences me, ? Society? Family? Friends? Media? Pride? Ego? My Heart? God?
How am i suppose to live life to the maximum! to the Fullest! How to never regret!?
What makes me do what i do? Who makes me who i am?

God!!!!!! I DON"T WANT TO CONFORM TO THIS WORLD. i don't want to be caught in the rat race. I don't want to make you sad, i don't want to be dead while alive. I want to enjoy life and live it to the fullest! I dont want to regret, i don't want to fear. i don't want to be afraid.

I have to continue fighting! Fighting the good fight.

Somehow i want to be like Agnes in " despicable me ". You know. always so genuinely loving and joyful!. To find fun in everything :) To just LIVE LOVE AND LAUGH. To see that everyone can be good. To be encouraging! To be a life bringer :)

I want to be me. I want to love everyone i meet. I want to not judge anyone! :) GOD!!! I need you.
I don't want to make you religion. I don't want to make you a duty or a rule or a law. I want to always know that you are my Father, my Friend, my Saviour. gracious and loving! merciful and good.

TIME TO START LIVING AGAIN!. :D GOD I PRAY THAT ITALY WOULD BE A BLAST :) I pray that i'll have the bestest accomodation! Great friends there, great manager, that the lecturers will find favor upon me, friends too! That i'll find a great church family! Just guide me Lord! I'll have faith! :)
I want to live an adventure. i want to fall in love. i want to travel the world! I want to be able to help others! I want to continue pleasing you :)

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