People of the west are generally wrapped up in insecurity, keeping up with the latest trend, acting like they don't care when they actually really do, acting all cool, you know, living up to the image of the world. Im not saying it by just saying it, but by how i've seen them act in my life. There are the rare ones. like lachlan and michael who are very real. There are the ones out there who are nice to you because its their job, or they only do it to be liked, or to be cool. i dont know neither do i understand it. ( Yes no one is perfect ) But somehow its ever more prevalent in the west. And i guess some other asian culture. Why is it the rich always seem to be sadder, or that they become so proud, or you know they care so much about things not exactly important. mmm. truly blessed are the poor sometimes.
I admit i fell into the trap of actually nearly conforming into them. The way they are, but you know what. im really really glad i decided to be back in Malaysia. I feel so blessed about whatever He gives me. Tough yes, it was a process, but im glad im thru it :) It doesn't end here, many battles ahead. God will be my victory.
Honestly, i've never felt the meaning of life. Like its true essence. Its rawness, its realness, until im with and around those that i can truly help. It makes you wonder what you had been doing seeking after the world. All i know is that, wherever God place me, He will provide me, with more than enough, food, shelter, clothes. All my basic necessities. There is more to life than having more, than looking good, than gaining fame.
Riches, Perfection, Outer Beauty, Knowledge, Fame, Bigger things, Stability, Outer Comfort. These are the things the world seek, they won't really fulfill your needs, they are nice :) for sure ! Blessings if used wisely etc.! But you know what, seek God first, He will show you what makes His heart beat, what would make yours beat :)
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