Tuesday, July 6, 2010

path least travelled.

i want to always be taking the path least travelled. I reckon that its more of an adventure, its how i can truely live and be happy because this is how i am, uniquely me :). Somehow i think there is a tendency to copy if going thru the known path because a studied route by studying the history of others is always the easiest and most convinent way to move about. But i want to stear away from such mediocrity. God made us all different, each with a different unique and interesting story to tell. And such story i will, with His love and guidance, with my faith, bravery and courage.

You either stay on the boat with the rest of the people, out step out of the water clinging on to the father, and having a story you won't forget, an experience you'll never forget. a risk you would never have said you regretted not trying. Get out of the most now won't you ;)

I reckon i'll like to get permanent residency in italy :)

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