Monday, July 19, 2010

not a single day

not a single day,
can i discern my way,
But this i surely know.
Who gives the day,
Will show the way,
So i securely go. - John Oxenham

You know God. Each day i wouldn't know many things, but one thing is certain, you'll guide me, protect me :)

Somehow i feel that life is like a dream. So im going to live it full! Im not going to be afraid. I don't want to be afraid. I want to dare and those who dare, they do. Day by day by day.

" do not boast about tomorrow because you wouldn't know what tomorrow will bring " 
 " what is your life but a vapour " - its here then its gone.

Im really want to purpose in my heart to live for God each day, live joyfully, rest in his peace, pray constantly ( to prevent anyone/thing from stealing the God's word from my heart ), and to always give thanks.

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