Friday, July 16, 2010

Nothing to do, nowhere to be, a simple little kind free ;p

I want to be able to live in many different countries :)!!, In the city of art, Florence! By a quiet yet interesting beautiful beach, in a beautiful jungle with the local people, in india, the safari in africa, in rome, in myanmar!, maybe even japan :P I want to be everywhere, I don't ever want to get tired of moving, but to always keep going, to adopt a kid from myanmar. To help the poor, widows and orphans wherever im needed, to spread God's love true lovingkindness acts with joy and a big fat smile in my face:D . This truly is my dream.

I don't want to live for material goodness, or to keep getting bigger or richer. I want to have enough, enough for myself, my man, my kids to live and to be able to help others. I don't want to be ever afraid to move, of changes, of getting out of my comfort zone, LIFE IS TOO SHORT to try to seek PERFECTION. TO live life SAFE. to never RISK. to never TRY. life is about moving forward in many tiny steps of FAITH, never stopping even as storms hit. The victory God gives would be much sweeter than any sorrow i'll have to face here on earth :)

To always depend on Him. Let Him be my victory and strength. Keep serving God, keep loving people. I really enjoy helping people lord, especially little children! they really do bring me so much joy. It would be cool to be able to look after kids that doesn't have anyone to look after. Man, i really do not know where life will bring me. But i do know, i can trust my God who is ever always so good to me! 

i'll also like to make friends and be in contact with a lost tribe :)

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