Thursday, July 8, 2010

not going to try to be superman

This world is crazy.

Its a mess.

Its also full of lies.

I don't ever want to take up more than i can handle as much as i'd like to. I want to enjoy what i am given each day and do the best. Aim for quality instead of quantity. I'll like to maintain a healthy well balanced lifestyle yet i will allow changes and inconvenience into my life because life is not all about safety nor comfort. Its not about knowing everything, its not about being perfect. Its all about living, being real, trusting God, enveloped by His love each day.

Its easy to compare, to get jealous, to envy, to strive for what the world is dangling right in front of you, ( things that are wrapped in the cloak of happiness that is actually empty inside. Im not saying its not nice, im just saying its like a glaze, like plastic apples. I do fall into this trap. You know, but somehow i am glad that God shows me how to live.

On a side note, don't think too much. it means you're dwelling on my own mind and thoughts or like ya know, giving yourself too much pressure on something which you were not really like mean't to be doing, cause God is all knowing and i don't want to feel that i need to be more than what and how He and uniquely made me me :D .

Also, God wants me to know that He wants to be my giver of Life. Thats all i feel like saying.

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