Friday, July 16, 2010


You know, God made all his creation beautiful. And i think its pretty exciting finding a style. A look, an outer identity. I want to be uniquely me, yes i'll have other outer influences but i don't want to follow trendy's just to fit in or be cool. I want to have a style i like. That only i can somehow think of :P

suddenly im really into pastel colors, vintage, soft, delicate yet strong. You know, well, i do pray that my wardrobe won't have to take up much money, because God i trust that you will style me to be awesomely me :) You know God, even in these little things, as silly as it sounds, i'll have faith, that you'll get me awesome clothes, and all that without me having to worry . As i do what is more important each day. Help me be more obedient lord. God made me specifically me. So he knows best on dressing me up and all that :) Im so grateful.  Faith is such a powerful thing. It fulfill needs.

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