Wednesday, June 23, 2010

while in malaysia

Okay this is what i plan to do while in malaysia:

one - sew sew sew. hence create something out of all the material i bought from jakarta!
two - go to malacca on a photography + food expedition.
three - see the fireflies at kuala selangor :)
four - go beach / fishing
five - spend as much time possible with family and friends.

To prepare me for italy:

one - map out the places i want to visit in italy ( create a throughout plan )
two - organize my time in italy,  studies, work ( find a job to save for travel) and play :) make some awesome friends
three - study the language ( the basics )

This is my happy shorts :). I reckon things are done better when not rushing into it but by testing out first, trails, research, study, and most importantly . doing.

Pretty darn cute hey :)

Anyway , i guess i shall continue my sewspedition. get my creative juicebrain on the movee.

Sometimes i feeel that man, why aren't i working now, getting money save it up for travel. But then again, i choose to trust God, to make the most of that i have got here and now. Knowing that i do not have to follow the trend, to do what others are doing, to be mediocre, to be able to live with Joy, Happiness, Full of Life, Adventure and to be Successful. I've got my own path, my own move, my own way :) Like no other, its a story, its special, one of a kind. I will survive!

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