Saturday, June 26, 2010

So much to explore while in Florence!

Im going to plan out where i want to go, what i want to see, what i want to eat, where to shop, the markets, where to exercise, where to see their famous shows, leonardo da vincci's history in florence, michelangelo!, the history. SOAK up the culture and everything i can see, feel, touch and taste!

What a masterpiece city. God thank you sooo much for this opportunity. I was not even hoping because i was thinking of finding a job in sydney and settling down . BUT YOU KNOW much better!!!!!. You knew me more than i know myself. You make sure i don't miss out on anything great that you are about to offer. Honestly, i am so thankful and in total awe. Me noelle, imperfect and all, with this. i can only smile and feel so blessed.

God im going to enjoy it ! and make the most out of all of this!, even here in malaysia, its not by accident. Im going to make the most out of it.

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