Saturday, August 7, 2010

Zoya Phan

I just read the Zoya Phan's Biography and it really spoke to me. About Life. The importance of Fighting for Liberty, Freedom and a Bright Future. Its truly worth the Fight. It involves hardwork, dedication, love, compassion, passion, determination. Bravery and Boldness. Strength and Courage.

God, There are so many people in need. I really do pray that these innocent lovely people, they would have a brighter future. That you'll take them out of this state of having evil upon them. I pray that God you would protect them all, and lead them out of Burma. I pray someday i'll be able to help more, Thank you that i have the opportunity to teach the kids, they have been a real blessing to my life and i pray that i will be able to give them much knowledge. Teach me lord to love and teach them well. To prepare them. As long as i am able to! I pray that they will come to know you too. Sometimes i feel that, it seems that as long as people believe in God that they are good people its good enough. Sometimes i wonder why they need you. I guess they need to know about grace and heaven. About your love. But it sucks when you see so many christian out there, who are no better than a non christian. Sometimes, me included. Sometimes i feel that it is more than following the law. I wish to be a better daugther, friend and student, worker and student . I really do... I pray that i'll learn to love, Yet stand up to what i should and be bold in fighting for freedom and what's right!.AMEN.

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