Thursday, August 26, 2010

With all the available sites

such as facebook. Where we can set up a profile for the world to see and be in touch with us. We are able to post things, images to project an image we want others to think we are. We are able to choose the image we desire, and project it for everyone to see. Most of the time, we talk about ourselves or our finding, Its pretty self centered.  Or what you call a fake relationship. I think the only real way, true way to know a person, is to live with them. To hang out with them, to work with them.

Hence, i don't want to spend so much time developing and maintaining my image based on how i look, what is say, or what i post. But focus more on my day to day life, with my relationships with people i am around. You know, to get in touch with the real world.

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