Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Sometimes i feel that i am living in like a fish tank instead of the ocean. The ocean is definitely more beautiful and well its where i would be originally from if i was a fish. It is truly living, nature, out in the wild. Then here i am in a fish tank. Everything is safe. i know i'll be fed, i know the water would be cleaned. I know i'll only be placed with fishes that will get along with me. 

Or like a lion in the zoo. Living in a compound, with no where to run. But safe. very safe. Fed, very well indeed. I'll get pampered and spoiled. I'll learn tricks to please people who would come to look at me. But i wouldn't know how to look after myself. To hunt, to live free. 

Sometimes i wonder if we were conditioned to believe that we are truly living like how we are now. To just eat , sleep, work, and go home. To go on tours, live in hotels, to have financial security, to have nice clothes, to have a beautiful comfortable house. To go to the best schools, to work towards being famous and successful. Is that all to life?

Is it wrong to want to live being dependent solely on the Lord. To guide me and to provide for me. Every day of my life. That i need not worry nor strive. That i could truly be free from the ridicules of men? That my parents and grandparents may be wrong? That i could live differently.

David was king and so was solomon. they had all the riches of the world and that is truly fine.

But there is something bugging me Lord. Like a spirit in me telling me Not ever to be afraid of Evil and Evil people because You are with me Loving me, Guiding me and always looking after me. That i do have enough faith, that NO evil may lay its hand upon me. I'll continue to seek God and continue to pray. I do know he would give me a life worth living. a life of adventure :) Both physical and spiritual. and real and truth.

Things i enjoy doing.

Now, i enjoy teaching my kids! Love teaching kids that are keen on learning who are not spoilt or prideful.

Baking, cooking and grilling. In other words creating delicious dishes to share :) and experimenting in the kitchen. It truly is an art.

Planting, gardening and growing. I love planting things, watching them grow and doing my best to keep them healthy and strong!

Other likes,

i love drawing, art, creating, making, coloring, styling, designing.

i love researching and coming out with a concept and theme and a collection.

Skateboarding, surfing, anything that keep the adrenaline pumping. Extreme sports ;p

Outdoors, trekking, beach, anything with nature :)

I also really like organizing and managing things/ people to be more effective and efficient! I find it fun and productive.

I enjoy learning from God and wise people.

Spending time with God and learning his words and putting them into action :)

Having and spending time with wonderful family and friends who loves God too. and encourage me in my walk with the Lord.

result :

-Family oriented lifestyle with close friends nearby. Cooking, Gardening, House parties.
-Involved with Kids. Teaching, Sunday school, Volunteering.
-Outdoor activities, Nature.
-A homegrown business, where i can manage things and where i'll be able to come out with a brilliant idea to spend my time, producing something for people either ( growing/cooking/breeding ) i would think having something to do with nature. While putting my design into good use to make all i create look good :) And make a business, that allows me to get an income and to continue to think of innovative ways to keep my business going not afraid of change! ( and a lovely husband who is really supportive  and motivating and full of faith ;p )
-Hopefully being able to get involved in helping the needing as best as i can, an orphanage? helping UN refugee kids? anything really where my heart calls , where God place in my heart.

God loves me.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dreams of Believers and Non Believers

We are all human. We all need the same things to survive, to be happy, to live.

Why is it believers and non believers have the same sort of dreams. Riches, Popularity, Success of the World, praised by men. Wouldn't a believer when has come to know God be seeking other things. " Seek first the Kingdom of God and all things shall be added onto you". Shouldn't it not be in our heart to try to gain any of those as it is temporary, it is worldly, and it doesnt actually bring life.

Even King Solomon who was and is and forever will be the wisest man on earth. God asked Him " Ask! What shall i Give you"

Solomon "....give to your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that i may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?"

What solomon asked God pleased God very much and God replied
" Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold i have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you , nor shall any like you arise after you. And I have also given you what you have not asked; both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days. So if you walk my ways, to keep my commandments as your father david walked, then I will lengthen your days"

Solomon seeked God's kingdom first. What would pleased God, He placed God first By having great love For God's people and as being the King wanted the Lord to give Him the ability to rule his land in justice and truth. And when Solomon seeked Gods kingdom :) all else was Surely added onto Him :)

There are stuff i really dislike.

Such as,

having fixed something, and just because they are family, they are able to change things around. To ask for it their way, and me trying to be nice will let it ( even though, sometimes i think, i just shouldn't be nice when i am not because that is being fake ) Seriously, i don't like when i have things to do, and it being changed and made more difficult for me because someone else has something not important to do, and pleasure to attend to. I don't know GOD!! Sometimes, why i am so different from everyone. But i want to live by your word and pray to you more each day. Instead of listening to people and their thoughts. Sometimes they are family and i think that i should listen to them because they are right, or older people because they are supposingly wiser. But GOD, i want you to be the only one i trust in. Sometimes i am RUDE, But help me lord. amen Only you can change me.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How to live

in the bible God does let us know how he wants us to live :)

Philipians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your interests, but also to the interests of others.

it carries on to saying, Like Jesus Christ who made himself nothing, and who became obedient until death !

Philipians 2:14 Do everything without complaining or arguing , so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation.

1 Thesallonians , Be joyful always , pray without ceasing in everything give thanks. For this is the will of God for you in Christ JEsus.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

With all the available sites

such as facebook. Where we can set up a profile for the world to see and be in touch with us. We are able to post things, images to project an image we want others to think we are. We are able to choose the image we desire, and project it for everyone to see. Most of the time, we talk about ourselves or our finding, Its pretty self centered.  Or what you call a fake relationship. I think the only real way, true way to know a person, is to live with them. To hang out with them, to work with them.

Hence, i don't want to spend so much time developing and maintaining my image based on how i look, what is say, or what i post. But focus more on my day to day life, with my relationships with people i am around. You know, to get in touch with the real world.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

enjoy :)

i really enjoy getting my hands dirty.
i love working with things from the earth.
Planting, growing, looking after a mini ecosystem.
Cooking, baking, house potluck parties, home cooked food!
Experimenting, creating, being able to share my product, the sweet labor of work with others :)
No envy or anything like that, but just pure joy being able to produce something wonderful and share it with others.

i'll like to have :
. a vegetable garden
. flower / butterfly garden
. be able to make my own essential oils
. make bottled jam to share with others
. Be able to do any of the above and be able to put food on the table while laboring on them :)

i really really like it! nature, and all :)